When you're writing a few queries with the reactive extensions, you'll probably end up doing a lot of this kind of code :


moveSubscription = Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseMove")
                             .Subscribe(_ => { });

clickSubscription = Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseClick")
                              .Subscribe(_ => { }); 


You'll probably call the dispose method on both subscriptions in some dispose method in the class that creates the subscriptions. But this is a bit too manual for my taste.

Rx provides the CompositeDisposable class, which is basically a list of IDisposable instances that all get disposed when CompositeDisposable.Dispose() is called. So we can write it like this :


var cd = new CompositeDisposable();

var moveSubscription = Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseMove")
                                 .Subscribe(_ => { });

var clickSubscription = Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseClick")
                                  .Subscribe(_ => { });


That's better in a sense that it is not needed to get my subscriprions out, but this is still too "manual". There are two lines for each subscriptions, and the need for temporary variables.

That's where a simple DisposeWith extension comes in handy :


public static class DisposableExtensions
 public static void DisposeWith(this IDisposable observable, CompositeDisposable disposables)

Very simple extension, a bit more fluent, and that allows to avoid creating a temporary variable just to unsubscribe on a subscription:


var cd = new CompositeDisposable();

Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseMove")
          .Subscribe(_ => { })

Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseClick")
          .Subscribe(_ => { })


This is a method with a side effect, but that's acceptable in this case, and it always ends the declaration of a observable query.